Compression method; e.g. none = 0, DEFLATE = 8 (or "\0x08\0x00")
CRC-32 of uncompressed data Value computed over file data by CRC-32 algorithm with 'magic number' 0xdebb20e3 (little endian)
Extra field
Extra field length (m)
File name
File name length (n)
General purpose bit flag
File last modification date (DOS format)
File last modification time (DOS format)
Local file header signature = 0x04034b50 (PK♥♦ or "PK\3\4")
Uncompressed size (or 0xffffffff for ZIP64)
Version needed to extract (minimum)
dataIf the bit at offset 3 (0x08) of the general-purpose flags field is set, then the CRC-32 and file sizes are not known when the header is written. The fields in the local header are filled with zero, and the CRC-32 and size are appended in a 12-byte structure (optionally preceded by a 4-byte signature) immediately after the compressed data
Compressed size
CRC-32 of uncompressed data
optionalOptional data descriptor signature = 0x08074b50
Uncompressed size
Generated using TypeDoc
Compressed size (or 0xffffffff for ZIP64)